Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Political Advertising: Candidates for Sale Essay

The Internet has not diminished the importance of television advertisements in presidential elections. The latter remains to be one of the most effective means of obtaining votes. In as short as 30 seconds, a television advertisement can convince voters about the competence and integrity of a particular candidate. The advertisement â€Å"sells† the candidate with as much enthusiasm and gusto as when it is selling products and services (Elliot, n. pag. ). However, political advertisements are not without contention. Akin to all other forms of advertising, they are subjective. As they are geared towards â€Å"selling† specific candidates, it is inevitable for political advertisements to present a biased point of view. Their subjectivity is sometimes obscured by noble trappings that are bombarded with images of American flags, the White House and Mount Rushmore (Elliot, n. pag. ). Despite questions about their reliability, political advertisements will continue to be an indispensable part of presidential campaigns. Candidates in recent presidential elections have focused their television commercials on â€Å"battleground† states such as Ohio and Florida. This trend is expected to increase – there are already about 20 â€Å"battleground† states as of this year. In addition, presidential candidates Barack Obama (Democrat) and John McCain (Republican) are both running nationwide advertisements (Elliot, n. pag. ). Political advertising was first developed and used in the mid-19th century. In order to generate turnout, political parties during this period distributed buttons, banners and posters to voters at local candidate rallies and at polling places on Election Day. But it was not until the advent of mass media in the 20th century that political advertising was elevated to its current status. The first national campaign commercials were broadcasted through radio in 1928 for presidential contenders Herbert Hoover (Republican) and Al Smith (Democrat) (Elliot, n. pag. ). The arrival of television in 1952 increased the cardinality of political advertisements in presidential campaigns. In the same year, Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower (nicknamed Ike) was promoted in animated commercials that bannered the catchy slogan â€Å"I like Ike,† tuning him into the first presidential candidate to appear in television advertisements. These were followed with short commercials entitled Eisenhower Answers America, wherein Eisenhower was featured replying to questions from average voters about issues such as the rising cost of living and the Korean War. Eisenhower Answers America was frequently played during the commercial breaks of hit sitcoms like I Love Lucy, resulting in its instant popularity among voters. Succeeding presidential candidates followed suit, paying advertising firms millions of dollars to create catchier campaign advertisements for them (Elliot, n. pag. ). What makes political advertising effective is its ability to provide information to a wide audience within a short period of time. Furthermore, the manner in which they transmit information often appeals to the emotions rather than the intellect. Candidates are packaged as capable and trustworthy leaders who entered public office to serve the ordinary citizen. Candidates are also sometimes portrayed as the long-awaited â€Å"alternative† to a â€Å"useless† incumbent regime. As a result, the latter often makes political advertisements appear as smear campaigns against political opponents. These negative political advertisements, however, are the types of advertisements that have the greatest impact on people. They impart an overly-simplistic, â€Å"us-versus-them† philosophy, which, in the process, does the thinking for the voters. Consequently, negative political advertisements are very potent campaign materials. They reach everyone, including those who do not pay much attention to the campaign (Elliot, n. pag. ). This need for mobility is the reason for political advertising’s gradual shift from the television to the Internet. Websites such as YouTube. com (http://www. youtube. com) contain countless clips of political advertisements which people can access from virtually anywhere at any time. In addition, YouTube. om allows its members to post comments on the video clips that they viewed. In the context of political advertising, this can result in discussions that can help sharpen public opinion regarding politics and the electoral process. While negative political advertisements are effective in gaining votes, they are detrimental to American society and politics in the long run. According to Mike Hughes, president of an advertising agency in Richmond, Virginia, negative political advertisements are also untruthful. They often deceive voters by using stage effects and half-truths that make a candidate appear deserving of the position that he or she is aspiring for. Hughes was quick to add that this was not the fault of advertising agencies – most political advertisements nowadays are created by political consultants who specialize in campaign commercials. Unlike advertising agencies, which face criminal prosecution in the event that they produce inaccurate pitches, these consultants are allowed by the First Amendment to create political spots as part of their right to free speech (Elliot, n. pag. ). The deceitful usage of political advertisements is very dangerous, as it sends the people, particularly the youth, the message that the only way to get ahead in life is through lying. In addition, voters are tricked into voting leaders who will not think twice about resorting to dishonesty just to get what they want. A leader who got into power through dishonest means will most likely remain in power through dishonest means as well. Thus, there is a big possibility that lying in political advertisements will progress to violation of civil rights and liberties disguised as protection of national security.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Auteur Theory : Darren Aronofsky Essay

Translated from the French, auteur simply means â€Å"author†. There have been varied perceptions regarding this theory, its importance and effectiveness. Auteur theory is essentially â€Å"a method of evaluating films based on the director’s involvement and input†. The concept of ‘Auteur’ was first introduced by Francois Truffaut in 1954 in A Certain Tendency in French Cinema. (1) In this work he claimed that film is a great medium for expressing the personal ideas of the director. He suggested that this meant that the director should therefore be regarded as an auteur. According to him, there are three forms in which a director may be regarded as an Auteur. He agreed with Andre Basin’s idea that the film must be the direct expression of the director’s vision. The second aspect was that the director must be skilled with the camera. He believed the director is to camera as the writer is to pen. Lastly he believed for a director to be considered as an Auteur, he must leave behind a distinctive signature (based on Alexander Astruc’s idea), visually or as an idea in the film. (2) Years later, this concept was reintroduced by Andrew Sarris in 1962, in a publication titled â€Å"Notes on Auteur theory† (3). Accordingly, for a director to be considered as an auteur, the director must be well versed with the technical aspects of the film. The director must have a distinct style or a signature that distinguishes his films from the others. The movies must have a theme, an inner meaning. The auteur theory has been receiving widespread criticism since the 60’s. It was argued that one person cannot control all aspects of the film. A film is a conglomeration of the efforts of lots of people. Despite this it is found to be very useful as the starting point of interpretation of some films. Auteur Theory suggests that the best films will bear their maker’s ‘signature’, which may manifest itself as the stamp of his or her individual personality or perhaps even focus on recurring themes within the body of work. (4) Keeping the concepts of the theory in mind, one can safely conclude that if the three criteria have been satisfied, the director may be considered the auteur of the film, these criteria being recurrent style, theme and visuals. Moving on to the discussion of the topic at hand, can the director of Black Swan, Darren Aronofsky be considered as an auteur? Black Swan is his fifth film as a director. All of his films share a similar theme. They all deal with an addiction in some form, the protagonist is always the one addicted. The movie shows the protagonist realizing his/her addiction, and there by degrading their personal life. ‘Black Swan’ and ‘The Wrestler’, share a single minded professionalism in the pursuit of a career, leading to the destruction of personal lives. (5) Aronofsky has had a lot of inspiration from different films, art forms and in general, all his films have an inherent trace of impending psychosis. However through the course of his five films one would see his stories delve more and more into the human psyche. With Requiem for a dream, it began as a drug addiction, a hallucination induced by drugs. In The Wrestler, he simply shows persistence, a plain disregard for anything but wrestling. Though this does not show psychosis, it clearly lights up the explosive nature of his pursuit. In some ways, this may be seen as a form of addiction too. In Black Swan, the main character is portrayed as one with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). As the movie progresses, the psychosis of the protagonist progresses further, she begins to hallucinate and she draws parallels between her life and the ballad she is performing (the swan lake ballad). As a director, there are a lot of similarities in his films. There is always a sense of accomplishment accompanied by sense of impending doom, a tragedy as the price for the success seen earlier. One of the characters (usually the protagonist) always dies or suffers some sort of major personal tragedy. He is also greatly influenced by Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Roman Polanski, Satoshi Kon, Shinya Tsukamoto, Alfred Hitchcock, Spike Lee, Federico Fellini, and Jim Jarmusch. The Wrestler and Black Swan share a great resemblance to Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue. Though the similarities were acknowledged, Aronofsky denied it being an inspiration. (7) Perfect Blue ( Pafekuto Buru? ) is a 1997 Japanese animated psychological thriller film directed by Satoshi Kon and written by Kon and Sadayuki Murai based on the novel of the same name by Yoshikazu Takeuchi. (8) Mima Kirigoe (the protagonist) who is a member of a Japanese pop-idol group called â€Å"CHAM! † decides to pursue her career as an actress. Some of her fans are displeased with her sudden career change, particularly a stalker named Me-Mania. As her new career proceeds, Mima’s world becomes increasingly noir. Reality and fantasy spiral out of control. Shortly after leaving CHAM! , Mima receives an anonymous fax calling her a traitor. Mima finds a website called â€Å"Mima’s Room† that has public diary discussing her life in great detail. She confides in her manager Rumi Hidaka, a former pop star herself, about the site, however, she is advised to just ignore it. Othe set of Double Bind, Mima succeeds in getting a larger part. The producers have agreed to give her a leading role, however as a rape victim in a strip club. Despite Rumi’s warning that it would ruin her reputation, Mima accepts the part voluntarily. Though it is apparent that Mima is indecisive, the atmosphere of the scene traumatizes her so that she increasingly becomes unable to separate reality from fantasy. She can no longer distinguish her real life from her work. She becomes paranoid. Consequently people who had been involved in tarnishing Mima’s reputation are murdered and Mima finds evidence which makes her appear as the prime suspect. Her increasing mental instability makes her doubt her own innocence. It turns out that the diarist of â€Å"Mima’s Room† is delusional and very manipulative, and that an intense folie a deux has been in play. The faux diarist (and murderer) believes that she is Mima who is forever young and graceful, has made a scapegoat of stalker Me-Mania. Mima knocks Me-Mania unconscious with a hammer when he attempts to rape her, and runs to her only support she has left alive, her manager Rumi. When Mima encounters Rumi, however, her manager is wearing a replica of Mima’s CHAM! Costume and crazily singing Mima’s pop songs. Rumi is in fact the false diarist, who believes she is the â€Å"real Mima†. Rumi is angry that Mima has been ruining the â€Å"real Mima’s† reputation, and decides to save â€Å"Mima’s† pristine pop idol image through the same means she has been using all along: murder. Mima manages to incapacitate Rumi after a chase through the city despite being wounded. Rumi remains permanently delusional and institutionalized. Mima has grown from her experiences and has moved on with her life with new found independence and confidence. One finds a striking similarity between the two storylines, if one were to imagine Mima as the White Swan – the pure innocent Nina Sayers, and Rumi as the Black Swan – the violent, sensual and dangerous psychosis of Nina. There are too many similarities between the storylines. In both cases, during the fight between the two characters (For the sake of this argument, let us assume the black swan and white swan as separate. ) The antihero of the story attacks the protagonist. In both cases the protagonist is wounded in the abdomen (almost in the same area – around the liver). In both cases, the protagonist continues their bidding after being wounded. Nina finishes the dance while Mima goes around the city in a chase. In both cases, the protagonist is affected by the job, and they receive threatening messages. Nina sees Whore while Mima receives the fax calling her a traitor. If one were to delve deeper, one even sees the similarity in the naming of characters (however this argument is based sole on conjuncture and lacks credibility. ) Despite this there is an immense similarity between the story line and the character sketches. Due to the overbearing nature of the similarity I find it hard to accept that Black Swan is not influenced by Perfect Blue. The inspiration may not have been intentional; however, the similarity is too much to be dismissed as coincidence. In this light such an undeniable similarity between the two films disqualifies Darren Aronofsky from being an auteur. Black Swan also draws heavily on what is called the Doppelganger effect and the split personality. These woven into a maze of mirror motif is the central theme throughout the film. This is a strategy which is well-known in classical Hollywood cinema such as precisely ‘The Red Shoes’. 10) This being said this film has Aronofsky’s stamp all over it. There is a great similarity between the characters ‘The Ram’ and ‘Nina Sayers’. In his own words†¦ â€Å"They are both artists who use their body Age threatens them Physical injury threatens them They only have their hands to express themselves. †(9) In all of his films, the sets have a sense of belonging. The props used are bare minimum. Only those strictly necessary are used. His set design is simple precise yet he somehow manages to bring a sense of belonging, a nativity to his sets. For example in the Black Swan recital, the set was simple, yet it somehow added to the elegance and grandeur bringing with it a certain ethereal quality with it. Another notable trait in his films is his music. Black Swan marks the fifth consecutive collaboration between Aronofsky and Clint Mansell. In all his films, music is exploited as a medium to dramatize the situation. The editing is also pertinent to the music. This relationship between the editing and BG score is most successfully exploited in Requiem for a Dream which gained acclaim for its hip-hop style editing. His attention to detail is yet another endearing stamp. For example, in the opening scene of Black Swan, the change in the tutu indicating the change in emotion is subtle almost not noticeable, yet one feels the emotion without really seeing it. The small stiff (classical pancake) tutu, for the innocent cheery bit, the long flowing (romantic) tutu for poised elegance and a graceful waltz, and, the shorter (platter) tutu, for the transition into Black Swan. Also if one were to notice keenly, one would see that almost every scene of Nina alone in the film will also include a mirror reflecting Nina in some angle. Aronofsky has made great use of this to exploit the two mindedness of Nina’s psychosis. In all respects of style, editing and mise-ene-scene Aronofsky has distinctly made his mark on all five films. In an interview, Aronofsky, says he was deeply influenced by the roller coaster Cyclone, and that he has adopted that intense structure, which keeps the audience on the edge, in his films. He aims to thrill the audience and amuse them with his films. (9) This, he certainly has achieved in his films.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Oedipus the Everything but King

No Name World Literature 1 Character Analysis â€Å"Oedipus the King†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Hunter, Plowman, and Sailor-Helmsman Throughout the play â€Å"Oedipus Rex†, the main character Oedipus has a number of different character traits throughout the play. His out-look on the stories situation evolves as he begins to learn the truth about who he really is. Oedipus takes on the characteristics of a hunter as well as becoming the hunted; he is a sower yet also the seed, and a sailor-helmsman of the city. Each of these images has their own significance.Oedipus first starts out as the hunter once he marries the queen of Thebes. Once betrothed, Oedipus is told that, Laius, the late king of Thebes was murdered by a robber. Oedipus says that he will exile or execute Laius’ killer once he is found. The irony to his statement is that he will have to catch and exile himself because in actuality he is the man who killed Laius. Oedipus then goes from being the hunter to the hunted, not knowing the man he is looking for is actually him himself.He proceeds to tell his men to â€Å"Hunt him down with all your strength† but in essence he’s telling his men to hunt him which makes him the hunted. Oedipus asks Tiresias to speak on behalf of what he knows and when he does not this upsets him. Oedipus begins to mock Tiresias about the fact that he cannot â€Å"see† and in return Tiresias says the same thing to Oedipus. Tiresias is blind but he is the one who sees Oedipus’ future clearly and Oedipus is not and can’t see what his future holds at all.In mocking Tiresias, Oedipus reaps the consequences of his actions because he later takes his own sight. Oedipus is also considered a sower because he married and had children; however he is his mother’s seed and ironically he married and reproduced with his mother. By definition plowman prepare the fields with seeds and expect plants to be produced. Oedipus and widowed Queen Jocasta marr y, are intimate and reproduce children.The imagery is the same for Jocasta and her first husband King Laius as that for her second husband, Oedipus: like father, like son as it turns out. The Sailor-helmsman is in essence is the person who guides a ship. Oedipus being king of Thebes is supposed to steer the people out of harm’s way. Oedipus thought that he was doing the right thing by leaving the place he thought was home when he was told he would kill his father and marry his mother; only the thing was the parents he knew of in Corinth were not his actual parents.After Oedipus leaves Corinth, because of all that he has done he has brought a plague amongst his city, the city of Thebes. â€Å"The citizens are passengers of the ship watching as their captain and his vessel fall to pieces†. All of these images were ironically tied into showing the positives and negatives that contributed to Oedipus’ demise. However, this was not all Oedipus’ fault because so mewhere down the family line Oedipus’ family was cursed and he had nothing to do with it, he was just the one who would complete the curse which leads to his undoing.

Barriers to trade Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Barriers to trade - Case Study Example of September 2009, the Chinese government filed an economic complaint with the WTO as a response to the announcement by the US that an ongoing plan of increasing the tariffs on the tires produced from China was about to be implemented (Bown, 2002). Consequently, on September 2010, the US Congress Committee made an approval of the bill that was to impose tariffs on China. Nonetheless, the trade relations between the Chinese government and the US government is significant to the two countries since China is reported to be the second largest trading partner of the US globally (Bown, 2002). Further, recently there have been legal battles between China and the United States. On May 23, 2014, the WTO dispute settlement panel ruled that the duties of up to 21.5 percent that were imposed by China on some of the U.S. imported vehicles were inconsistent with the WTO obligations of China. Moreover, on March 23, 2014 the WTO made a ruling that China’s restrictions on the rare earth elements as well as the two other metals were extremely inconsistent with its WTO obligations. However, the decision was later appealed on April 8. Indeed, the trade relationship between China and the USA has been strained recently and more negotiation and talks are being done to ease the tensions. On July 9 to 10 of the year 2014, the Chinese and U.S. officials held talks under the S&ED (Walker, 2014). The WTO is simply a negotiating forum which has the overall mission of promoting free trade all over the world through multilateral negotiations among the member states that is currently reported to be composed of approximately 153 members (Bown, 2002, p 54).The member states are expected to ensure that their various trade laws conform to the terms of the 16 different agreements that comprise the rules of the WTO. In case one of the member countries is of the opinion that the other country’s laws are a violation of the WTO rules, the complaining country is expected to file a complaint in the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Contrasts in Two Native American Tribes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Contrasts in Two Native American Tribes - Essay Example The researcher of this essay compares two Native American tribes, that were found on the continent when the first explorers arrived to the New World. Firstly, it was common practice to think of all Native Americans as one cultural group united by the simple idea that they all lived on the new common continent before the coming of the Europeans. However, just like the Europeans, though, Native American tribes found on the continent when the first explorers arrived were often very different from each other. The researcher states that tribes, such as the Apache and the Ottawa were very different from each other based not only on their geographic homeland, but also in their lifestyles and connections with Europeans. The researcher then aims to establish their cultural differencies and present them to the reader in a comparitive manner. For example, while both the Apache Indians and the Ottawas were established Native American tribes since well before the Europeans came, they had organize d themselves differently based to a large degree upon their locations. The Apache Indians lived in bands primarily on the North American plains of the Southwest, ranging â€Å"from southern Colorado to the Texas border and the Chiracahua also extended into Arizona. Western Apache lived in east-central Arizona, where they grew far more like the Navajo than the eastern Apache did. The reseracher then compares these tribes on the topic of cultural differencies and historic associations with each other as well as with Europeans.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Administrative Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Administrative Ethics - Essay Example However, once that is established, the first dictum of the ASPA code of ethics tells us that service to the public is above service to oneself and that certainly applies in this case. If one is to remain quiet about this it is certainly possible that the boss would be very pleased and Tristate would also be very happy. Of course, there are plenty of vested interests in the construction of the mall simply because a lot of people have a lot to gain from the construction. It is basically a project worth billions of dollars to all the stakeholders and they are essentially serving themselves. Therefore, if we are to follow the code of ethics given by the ASPA, we have to consider what the best course of action would be to preserve the interest of the public. In this case, we can come with two different options of which the first option would be to report the matter to the higher authorities and see what they decide to do with it. Reports to the committee or reports to the council about the incident could be very useful in making sure that the right people have the right information about what is going on concerning the megamall project. In fact, the information could even be taken to the media since that would be more than likely to put an immediate halt to the process. The second option would be to see if the construction of the mall is really towards the benefit of the public. For example, there are many jobs to be created in the mall for the local community with white collar positions such store managers, financial accountants, legal advisors, logistics managers and several other managerial positions that would be needed by companies who setup operations in the mall. For the blue collared workers, there would be jobs in food courts, restaurants, mall security and other store positions that would do a lot for the economy of the region. Thus the public certainly has something to gain from the mall being there. The decision therefore becomes to tell or not

Friday, July 26, 2019

Media's Manipulation of the Fashion Industry Dissertation

Media's Manipulation of the Fashion Industry - Dissertation Example The essay "Media's Manipulation of the Fashion Industry" talks about Consumerism in Fashion. The magazines’ promotion of designer fashion garments was conditional, complicated and mediated. Fashion media add their own gloss and frame of meaning to the fashion components or raw materials, when representing fashion. Significantly, the work and purpose of fashion media is constrained by the different â€Å"traditions and conventions which have defined fashion journalism as a specialist field, shaping what can be said, and in what kind of format†. Considerable transformations in consumer attitudes, age profiles, and shopping modes, as well as increasing orientation towards lifestyle consumerism, have led to challenges and opportunities for contemporary designers, retailers as well as the fashion media. Business and couture have always been in close partnership, although the economics of the trade have been closely guarded â€Å"behind the presentational glamour of seasonal fashion shows†. The revisionist history of couture as composed only of the processes of designing and the making of high fashion apparel is â€Å"manipulative, strategic and cynical†. By not divulging the entire picture, fashion journalists’ accounts function as traps for the naà ¯ve reader. The fashion magazines with various journalists and related professionals behind them, â€Å"promote and hype only the notion of couture fashion as high art, and as beyond-reality dreams†. The media control the consumers and the industry by endorsing designers as geniuses., and their clothes as the ultimate in creative innovation. The fashion industry’s design flexibility is well known; however its methods of adjusting to economic trends is not revealed. The industry is â€Å"knowing, manipulative and clever, building with vast success on the uniqueness of couture’s sartorial elitism† (White and Griffiths, 2000, p.122). The glossy magazines succes sfully conceal the industry’s business interests and reinforce the progress of couture companies by avoiding any references to their commercial processes (White and Griffiths, 2000). Fashion journalism is a narrow, closed world consisting of writers, photographers, fashion assistants, contributing editors, and others who share the same ‘fashion world’ as the designers, company directors, press officers, and publicity personnel. This sector considers itself trivialised and associated with lack of intelligence and substance. A closer relationship with industry is maintained by specialised fields in journalism related to consumer-based activities, based on acquring advertising revenue. This is because industry is the source of both news and revenue, states Tunstall (1971). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the media such as fashion magazines, films, and advertising approaches are used to manipulate the fashion industry, and how they i nfluence consumers. The fashion magazines, their target markets, and the Chinese and British markets will be compared. Further, the psychological elements behind fashion

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dq-8-Extra-Terence Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dq-8-Extra-Terence - Coursework Example An employee can usually be embroiled into such vices as corruption, need for accountability and unwarranted rivalry among them. Hence, virtues such as communication and being transparent are critical to the employees. Through, communication, they can express themselves concerning their problems at work. On the other hand, management through its open mindedness can listen without disparity or any favoritism (Degelsegger & Kesselring, 2012). Thus, the outcome of such a resolution is usually satisfactorily than if the arbitration was to be done without their awareness and participation. Generation Y is the group that call themselves the digital world and are aligned to their technological appliances in most of their activities. But to say that they are not aware of the non-technological interactions and their importance will be a fallacy. They know, practice it and can evaluate their values but have chosen to ignore (Luftman, Zadeh, Derksen, Santana, Rigoni & Huang, 2013). Such is the hypocrisy that the generation Y has adopted. Through non-technological interaction such as face-to-face meetings, it enables us to understand the communication better since they can study the non-verbal cues for expression and make conclusions that is impossible with technology communication. Management involves critical decision making in any organization and to say that it will remain to be a technical tool, will only make things worse. Business decisions such as closing deals are better done in a face-to-face meeting rather than the phone calls. By meeting a person on an individual basis as a manager, he/she will know and understand the nature of the business by mere use of body languages, tonal variations, and emotions. From here, the manager can make the decision that helps the organization than if he/she was to make a call that could not provide a clear picture of the situation

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Career Path Planning Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Career Path Planning Report - Essay Example Designing and implementation of software refers to the task of software development. This has grown to cover web development aspects, interface design, issues concerning securities, mobile computing among others. Most graduates usually follow this career path. Despite having taken a degree being sufficient to venture into this career, some graduates decide to undertake a master’s degree (Lopatto, 2004). Career opportunities is provided in various settings such as software companies, computer services companies, industries, health sectors, banking among other sectors. Coming up with new ways of computer use requires one to come up with various innovations in computer technology applications. This pathway includes graduate work that is advanced, positioning one in an industrial research or research in a university. Coming up with effective ways in solving computing problems needs one to apply knowledge and theory in computer science to come up with solutions to computational problems. This needs graduate work to PhD level, later positioning in Research University or development laboratory or industrial research (Goode, 2008). On completion of my computer science course, two career jobs of my choice are web designer and software tester. Having gained all the skills and knowledge over the years of my degree course, it would be easier to handle the two careers in the real life situation. As a software tester, one is engaged in quality assurance level of development of software and deployment. The person is involved in conducting both automated and manual software tests to ensure their fitness for the purpose they are meant for. This career of software testing involves software and system analysis to eradicate risks and prevent other software issues. The software tester role is tied to development of software systems and other technical products such as electronic goods, vehicles, healthcare and defense.

How did the spread of Industrial Revolution affect the colonization of Essay

How did the spread of Industrial Revolution affect the colonization of Africa in the late 19th century - Essay Example This invasion developed because of the collapse in slave trade industry, its suppression and eradication, and most significantly the growth and spread of industrial revolution in Europe. This essay tries to explore the impact of industrial revolution on African colonization in the late 19th century. According to Buzan and Lawson (2015), industrial revolution in Europe elevated the demand for more raw materials. Industrialization of all production modes, need for natural resources, human resources, and capital resources became the result of this revolution. Actually, Europe experienced no labor shortage. In addition, in the past two centuries Europeans had ensured great profits since they had been trading with Americans, Asians, and Africans. These profits helped them finance industrial revolution. The European resource was, however poor and thus most industries in Europe depended on raw materials from Africa, America, and Asia. For instance, cotton textile industry was among the earliest European industries that assisted in the stimulation of industrial revolution. The cotton textile industry completely depended on imported cotton. As industrialization developed and spread in the 19th century, European nations began competing for raw materials. Therefore, most European industri alists pressured their governments to consider colonizing African nations so as to create new sources for raw materials: eventually the scramble for Africa begun followed by colonization. Additionally, Buzan and Lawson (2015) assert that industrial revolution created the need for more markets. In the late 19th century, the industrial goods produced by European industries were more than the European market could consume. Therefore, European industrialists decided to seek for markets outside Europe. This created a competition for markets and as this competition grew, the pressure on the European governments to colonize Africa became immense. The pressure

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tourism and Western Influence on the Sherpa Culture in Nepal. A brief Research Paper

Tourism and Western Influence on the Sherpa Culture in Nepal. A brief history of Sherpa society and how today's tourism to Mount Everest affects and influences their culture - Research Paper Example They practiced high attitude farming in a region known as Khumbu. This was home for the Sherpa who practiced subsistence farming and animal herding in high attitude, for example, raising yak for their products such as hides, dairy and wool. The children would be sent to collects yak dung that would be used as a source of fuel. Women dug potatoes in the snow and this could be due to peaks could not be of interest to them apart from the few sacred mountains (Furze 24). The Sherpa became involved in climbing at around 1020s. This could be due to the mountain climbing expeditions planned by the British. This led to the involvement of the Sherpa in mountain climbing as they would be hired as porters. Mountaineering became the Sherpa’s culture around 1950 during the time Nepal could be exposed. Countless climbers began flocking at the Khumbu Village which was the Sherpa home and together with Mount Everest; it later became the Sagarmatha National Park (Haimendorf 72). Mountaineering and trekking business became the cultural phenomena of the Sherpa community. The Sherpa themselves acted as a tourist guide for Westerners and also as cooks and base camp staff. They would be referred to as porters which resulted from their ability to climb and assist the westerner in climbing the tallest peaks in the world (Furze 68). This became part of their culture as many of them welcomed the changes as it provided employment opportunities, which led to the increased standards of living and comfortable lifestyles. The transformation of Sherpa’s culture led to the development of the region such that they shifted from the previous harsh life to the prosperous one. This could be brought by the establishment of trekking and mountain climbing. Trekkers brought steady income, which could sustain shops and guesthouses owned by the Sherpa along the route, the porters, guides and cooks who assisted

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dick Smith Cover Letter Essay Example for Free

Dick Smith Cover Letter Essay Please accept my enthusiastic application for the Retail salesperson. As soon as I saw your advertisement on, I knew I was the perfect candidate for the position. I believe my experience of encountering lots of different types of people from all of the activities i have joined before will be very helpful and useable for the position as i am a very patient person. Besides, i am not entering school until term 1 of 2015 because I just arrived here 3 weeks ago and was advised to start school only on term 1 of 2015 since term 4 of 2014 is ending soon. So i will be able to work whenever needed and i will be able to help out in any way. Also, it is only a few minutes away from my house so that won’t be a problem. My passion about getting more experience about working and gaining knowledge about technologies would make me an excellent position for the retail salesperson. I have participated in lots of sports activities such as Karate, which i am in a brown-black belt now which is the one last stage before the black belt, got gold in kumite category in regionals and silver in kata category. Also been in the school Volleyball team and participated at Regionals, school Athlete (track and field) and managed to get silver at regionals, also a Dancer and got champions in competitions with my crew several times. Also do Rhythmic Gymnastics and Artistic Gymnastic and got 5th placing in Rhythmic Gymnastic Malaysia Nationals senior category 2014. Lastly, i also join Cheerleading and was the captain of my team back in Malaysia and managed to get champions at inter school competition during my first year of leading. By joining all sorts of activities from all different ages ranging from youngsters to elderly, I have became a confident person and a much better person. I am also the type of person that loves to keep everything in order and tidy so i can ensure the place would always be tidy.  Since i was a kid, I was a natural leader of a certain group. I was also a school prefect for several times and i will always take care of my responsibly. By becoming a leader, i learned to gain confidence in speaking to groups. I have also been told that I have an approachable attitude and i myself know that cause I smile a lot and be friendly. I have an average understanding of the general knowledge and interests of technologies. Also encountered lot of different type of people from all the activities i have joined before. I therefore know what sorts of attitude and types of people there are and can easily handle and talk to them. I have the skill to be able to talk in multiple languages. Such as Mandarin, and Malay. So i am pretty sure that may be an advantage as they are quite some Chinese’s here. I have been always been the problem solver between my friends and my all my teams in whatever the situation is since i have a very high patience. I am not schooling until 2015 so i will be free and be prepared to work on weekend/holiday shifts and to be able to work on odd occasion when needed. have enclosed my resume, thank you for taking you time to read this resume of mine and also Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The performance of Engro Corporation Limited

The performance of Engro Corporation Limited Engro Corporation limited is mainly known as a fertilizer producer and supplier in the Pakistan but currently operating in many other areas as well. In fertilizers, as a core product, the company offers nitrogenous, phosphate, blended fertilizers, and micro nutrients, such as zinc sulphate. Through its subsidiaries, company also operates in chemical terminal and storage, PVC resin manufacturing and marketing, industrial control and automation businesses, dairy food and power generation businesses. The company was previously known as Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited but in result of being converted into a holding company structure company has changed its name to Engro Corporation Limited in January 2010 and now the company has become Pakistans largest conglomerate being involved in the businesses from fertilizer manufacturing to food production and power generation. The volum of sales in 2009 was almost Rs32000 million (USD 450m) and total fixed assets are about Rs94000 million (USD 13 00m). Engro Corporation Limited was established in Pakistan in 1965 as a subsidiary of Exxon ltd (USA). BUSINESSES OF THE COMPANY Company engages in different products within different subsidiaries called, Engro Fertilizers Limited Engro Foods Limited Engro Polymer HYPERLINK Chemicals Limited Engro Powergen Limited Engro EXIMP Private Limited Engro Vopak Terminal Limited Avanceon Limited HISTORY In 1957, the search for oil by Pak Stanvac, an Esso/Mobil joint venture led to the discovery of the Mari Gas field near Daharki a small, remote area in Upper Sindh province at the time. Esso proposed the establishment of a urea plant in that area which led to a fertilizer plant agreement signed in 1964. In the subsequent year, Esso Pakistan Fertilizer Company Limited was incorporated, with 75% of the shares owned by Esso and 25% by the general public. The construction of a urea plant commenced at Daharki in 1966 and production began in 1968. At US $43 million with an annual production capacity of 173,000 tons, it was the single largest foreign investment by a multinational corporation in Pakistan at the time. A full-fledged marketing organization was established which undertook agronomic programs to educate the farmers of Pakistan. As the nations first fertilizer brand, Engro (then Esso) helped modernize traditional farming practices to boost farm yields, directly impacting the quality of life not only for farmers and their families, but for the nation at large. As a result of these efforts, consumption of fertilizers increased in Pakistan, paving the way for the Companys branded urea called Engro, an acronym for Energy for Growth. As part of an international name change program, Esso became Exxon in 1978 and the Company was renamed Exxon Chemical Pakistan Limited. The Company continued to prosper as it relentlessly pursued productivity gains and strived to attain professional excellence. In 1991, Exxon decided to divest its fertilizer business on a global basis. The employees of Exxon Chemical Pakistan Limited, in partnership with leading international and local financial institutions, bought out Exxons 75% equity. This was at the time and perhaps still is the most successful employee buy-out in the corporate history of Pakistan. Renamed as Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited, the Company has gone from strength to strength, reflected in its consistent financial performance, growth of the core fertilizer business, and diversification into other businesses. Along the way, a major milestone in plant capacity upgrade coincided with the employee led buy-out; innovatively optimizing our resources, Engro relocated fertilizer manufacturing plants from the UK and US to its Daharki plant site an international first. Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited then started a journey of venturing into other sectors including foods, energy, industrial control and automation, PVC resin manufacturing and marketing, and chemical terminal and storage. In 2009 plans were announced of demerging the fertilizer business into an independent operating company. The expansion and growth in the company necessitated a change in the way the company operated and conducted business. Keeping in view the operations of multi category businesses, expansion strategy and growth vision, the management decided that the various businesses would be better served if the Company was converted to a holding company. As a result it was decided to demerge the fertilizer business and establish a holding company structure to manage the affairs of various businesses. Engro Fertilizers Limited was incorporated in June 2009 to manage the fertilizer business post demerger. The demerger required the approval of the High Court of Sindh, which was granted on December 9, 2009 after obtaining the requisite approvals from the creditors and shareholders of the Company. The demerger became effective from January 1, 2010. Consequently, all fertilizer business assets and liabilities have been transferred to Engro Fertilizers Limited against the issue of shares to the Company. To reflect the change in the scope of mandate and scale of operations, Engro Chemical Pakistan Limited has been renamed as Engro Corporation Limited with effect from January 1, 2010. Engro Corp, as the holding company is responsible for the long term vision of the company, overseeing the performance of the subsidiaries and affiliates. OVERVIEW OF THE PAST LEADERSHIP Mr. Zaffar A. Khan President Chief Executive Officer, 1997-2004 Mr. S. R. Mirza PresidentCEO 1988 1997 Mr. H. I. Kazmi President, 1981-1988 Mr. J. E. Brewer President, 1977-1981 Mr. A. H. Connellee President, 1974-1977 Mr. George B. Sweeney President, 1972-1974 Mr. Selby Harney President, 1969-1972 Mr. M. C. Fuqua President 1965-1969 (Above leadership structure does not include the present leadership and the purpose to picturise these leaders is only to describe the international involvement in the history of the organization) VISION To become the premier Pakistani enterprise with a global reach. MISSION In order to create values for its Stakeholders Companys mission is to grow `its business in profitable, ethical and sustainable way .Growth and sustainability are basic targets of the mission. Well conducting in the areas of allocating capital for different projects, managing talent, developing leadership, guiding the HR policies, public relationing, marketing its products and services and taking the corporative social responsibility etc are the key factors to be involved with. These areas of responsibility, in fact, provide the base to set a mission. And achieving the mission is then, providing a track to reach the organizations vision. THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN Asteriois G Kefalas in his book, Global business strategy: A system approach, explains that how and why an environment is concerned to a nature of business and business organization. THE MACROENVIRONMENT Macro environment is actually a big picture of the surrounding environment in which a business and organization operates. Understanding the macro environment of a country or the world requires understanding the relationship between humans and their natural habitat. The resources and the carrying capacities of the natural habitat affect both the quantitative aspects (such as population volume and growth rates) and the cultural aspects (such as social, political, and economic behaviours) of human life. MICROENVIRONMENT The microenvironment has been defined as a particular organizations external business environment. Studying the micro business environment helps manager to set the organizations objectives by matching the organizations internal strengths and weaknesses with the uncontrollable probabilities within that specific business environment. Engro Corporation limited operates in that part of the world where dramatic and unexpected changes are always expected that requires the organizations analysts and mangers to keep an extreme eye on whats going on. Here i am going to present different analysis to help understand the environment in which Engro corporation exist. PESTLE Pestle analysis categorically involves the factors which are directly concerned to the macro environment and they are Political, economical, social, technological, legal and ecological. POLITICAL Pakistan is currently suffering from political turmoil. On one hand where it is struggling against the issue of terrorism which involves the international community and international politics on the other hand its facing internal political instability. Because of the continuous military interference into government and politics the Political forces, in the past, have not had enough chance to practice fundamental democratic values. In result both political forces and the people of Pakistan have not yet been able to achieve the political maturity which can be seen in the western, American and other democracy dominant societies. The overall situation is further resulting into the empowerment of unreliable and corrupt executives who are usually responsible of making economic and social policies. That is why Pakistan is not achieving required economic and social goals yet. The policy makers usually involve in taking kick backs and turning policies into their personal interest, after 9/11 the war against terror has put a great impact on Pakistan and is actually resulting into the destruction of peace of the country. International communities and investors are hesitating to invest in Pakistan. Even though the tax policy, employment laws, environmental regulations, trade restrictions and tariff regulations have been formulated but implementation on these policies is not being conducted in mannered way. Also there is a need of brining new economic and agriculture reforms.Especialy the agriculture tax reforms where the per unit land tax price has been a big issue over the times. Employment laws have been formulated according to the international standards but child labour issue needs to be addressed on war grounds. Being a member of WTO Pakistan supports the free market and free trade ideology but in fact no such free market is in practice in the modern world. Every country has some trade barriers to protect local industry, so does Pakistan. An anti dumping duty ordinanc e is in place to protect local industry that also encourages local industrialists to invest further. The tariff rates and policies are being reviewed over the time. Having all these positive indications Pakistan still needs to modernize the trade and industrial sectors by developing transparent policies. In the current time the civil society of Pakistan seems to be awakening to break the political and feudal status quo that will help Pakistan, in future, to develop a civilized political culture. When we analyze the Engro Corporation having the above environment in backgrounds and beyond we need to give considerable attention to the Engros internal strengths and weaknesses. Here i would talk about Engross internal strengths in comparison of that particular environment. On one hand Engro has tried to keep away from being politically attached to that atmosphere and has concentrated properly on its business which has helped it to become not polluted professional organization. On the other hand Engro has been complying with the countrys law and cultural values. Because of the strong internal culture and commercialism company has strengthen itself to compete with various kinds of political circumstances. ECONOMICAL Pakistans economic growth rate is currently 5.5% which was 8% once in 2005 but huge shortage of electricity and political instability has affected the growth rate. Economic growth of Pakistan can be seen through gross domestic purchasing power parity, which was estimated to be $454.2 billion in 2008. Official exchange rate was approximately $160.9 billion, while real growth rate in 2008 GDP of Pakistan, as per statistical data was found to be 4.7 percent. GDP per capita income was $2,600 in 2008. Interest rates are slightly high in Pakistan because of IMF conditional bailout programme and were rose by 15% in 2009.purcasing power of Pakistanis has been shaken up by 13% of inflation rate. Wage rates, minimum wages and 60 hours per week working time in manufacturing sector and 48 hours in service sectors are very suitable for large and international businesses. High percentage of unemployment is resulting to be suitable for cheap labour provision but it increases the inflation rate that affects business directly on the other hand. Countrys cost of living is lower comparing to developed countries. Engro Corporation is directly affected by these factors. Engro has tried to take benefit from availability of cheap labour but interest rates are putting a negative effect on engros internal economy because it has financing relations with most banks in Pakistan also with some international banks like HSBC,Barclays etc . Inflation rate is also affecting engro especially engro foods which involves direct relation with public purchasing power on broad levels. On the other side the global economy is facing a downturn in recent times. The economic recession has rolled largest economies in the world. Engro needs to have a deep look on this factor in order to develop strategies for international perspective. SOCIAL Pakistan is an agricultural country, 70% population living in rural areas, 98% population is Muslim. 42% population under 15 years of age only 4% over 64 years of age .2% per year population growth rate, 65% literacy rate. The geographic area of country is known to be one of oldest civilizations in the world. But because of poor economic condition the awareness about health consciousness, safety and global warming has not been very significant but now the awareness ratio on these issues is rising rapidly in the society. Increasing literacy rate especially in IT and engineering sectors have changed the career attitudes in the country. A strong business and industry culture is developing itself influencing by different factors. Engro Corporation is directly serving to 96%of the countrys population. A large portion is covered by engro fertilizer. Engro foods is taking health consciousness into the consideration for its product development. Engro is building Pakistans first green power h ouse to tackle the global warming issue. International health and safety standards have been achieved by Engro within all its industries especially in chemical industry. Providing employment on large scale Engro has shared the change in career attitudes. TECHNOLOGICAL In the modern age technology is advancing and improving every day. These advances are not only influencing corporate businesses but equally influencing the societies as a whole by bringing the change into social behaviours. On the corporate level as the organizations adopting the horizontal and vertical integrating method, Getting as more as possible technological strength is a powerful weapon to achieve the corporative integrity. Pakistan as a developing country needs technological advancement in every sector of economy ranging from electricity generation, road construction, port and airport developments, data base structuring, information technology railway, food industry, oil and gas sector, logistics and many more. Government is privatizing and out sourcing mega projects and multi industry sectors to save costs and to gain financial balance. Especially in oil and energy sectors Pakistan needs huge investments. These requirements and circumstances are actually a massive potential market for the organizations which have well-built technological resources. Engro takes advantage from this availability and has offered in sourcing to the government in multi sectors like currently working on a power house project with the collaboration of government. The project is called Thar coal power project which is spouse to produce 1200MW electricity for the country using coal reserves. ENVIRONMENTAL Being a developing country Pakistan is considered to be one of those countries where the ecological and environmental aspect needs special concentration. Pakistan has six metropolitan cities which have heavy industry manufacturing textile, leather products, fertilizers, steel goods etc. Most of the countrys vehicles run on diesel and petrol. Small level industry like brick making and small steel melting units leave a big amount of carbondyoxide in the air. Clean drinking water is also a big issue in the country. Handling and recycling wastage from manufacturing sector is most critical aspect of the ecological concerns in Pakistan. On the other hand diseases due to dirty water and improper food are also a challenge for the country. All above issues are influencing Pakistan both economically and socially. But on the same time there is a huge potential for investments from eco friendly organizations to compete against these challenges. Implementation on environmental regulations is on h igh demand from the global society as well. Engro being part in this environment is playing its role by internally implementing the related laws and standards like , process safety, workforce safety, workplace health, food safety, risk assessment, and environmental performance. In the field engro is building Pakistans first green power house in Sindh province and looks ahead for many other projects. LEGAL Having been developed with in business laws and taxation laws according to the international standard legal situatations in Pakistan are at satisfactory level. Recent business legislations have helped the country to be suitable for international investments. No restrictions on joint ventures and revision of tax ordinance 2001-2002 are the latest achievements towards investment friendly society. But overall small tax base and unsatisfactory tax collection system along with economic and political situations present a negative impact on countrys economy. Also implementation on import/export laws concerning duty and custom tax is significantly lacking. But now as the modern educated youth is entering into the countrys judicial and legislative institutions the overall circumstances are getting better and better. Also the awareness about economic globalization in the general population is increasing day by day that will soon reflect into the more betterment of legislation and legalization circumstances. To protect the local fertilizer industry government has passed a law of imposing anti-dumping duty on fertilizers import and has allowed the industry to import fertilizer plant equipments without paying any tax . Beyond the facility of taxation policy and joint venture legalization in Pakistan Engro has taken a step of being part of an international business joint venture that is called Avanceon Advanced Automation LP, a leading provider of technology solutions to manufacturers In north US, Innovative Automation Engineering, FZ, a leading Dubai based engineering system integration company serving Middle East and African Oil Gas, Water, Waste Water, Infrastructure, and Manufacturing industries; and Engro Innovative Automation Pvt. Ltd., a global provider of industrial automation and engineering support products and services announced a joint venture under the name of AVANCEON. PORTE FIVE ANALYSIS

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Anorexia Nervosa: Causes and Treatments

Anorexia Nervosa: Causes and Treatments Abigail Gallacher Problem: Too many teenagers are becoming anorexic. Question: What are researchers doing to prevent it? Introduction. Anorexia nervosa is a huge issue among men and women of all ages. Anorexia Nervosa, or anorexia for short, is a disease that too many people get. There are a wide range of reasons why people may become anorexic. Anorexia nervosa normally occurs during puberty, and occurs in more females than in males, but some males do have anorexia too. There are two types of anorexia. One type is linked to another common eating disease called Bulimia, where a person will binge eat and then throw up afterwards to try and get rid of it. The second type is restricting yourself completely of food. It is the obsessive fear of gaining weight, and so individuals will try to control their body weight by starvation, purging, vomiting, excessive exercise, and the use of diet pills. Anorexia nervosa is a biological issue, and there are many of biological reasons behind it. Research gives us reason to believe that anorexia nervosa is often inherited, and can often run in families. Recent research suggests that inherited and biological factors increase a persons chance of becoming anorexic by 55%, and a teenage female who has a sibling or parent/guardian with anorexia are twelve times more likely to become anorexic themselves. Also, studies show that identical twins have a higher chance of becoming anorexic. This may because they are identical, but one could feel like the other is slimmer, prettier, taller, and a lot more things that teenage girls often think about, causing them to have major self esteem issues. Identical twins have a higher chance of becoming anorexic than fraternal twins or ordinary siblings. There is a brain structure called hypothalamus, which is the brain structure responsible for regulating eating disorders. Neurotransmitters carry a message from cell to cell in the brain and nervous system. This transmitter affects binging behaviour in bulimics and anorexics. To meet the criteria of having anorexia, a persons body weight needs to be 85% less than what is expected. An estimated 53.7% of women will suffer from anorexia in their lifetimes. In August 2013, as many as 10 in 100 females in the US suffered with Anorexia, but figures are increasing all the time. â€Å"The Guardian† published an article on 30th January 2014 with the title â€Å"Rise in hospital admissions for young people with eating disorders†, which says that the most common age for anorexics to be in hospital is 15 years old. It also says that in October 2013, there was an 8% rise in anorexics to be admitted to hospital. In â€Å"The Independent† on Sunday 16th November, it has an article named â€Å"Eating disorders soar among teens – and social media is to blame†. In this article, it says the number of children and teenagers seeking help for an eating disorder has risen by 110% over the last three years, which is shocking. ChildLine says it has received more than 10,500 calls from teenagers struggling from with food and weight-related anxiety in the past year. The rise in anorexia can be because of social media, school stress, self esteem issues, and the growth of celebrity culture. This graph shows that the highest percentage of people with anorexia is ages 16-20. The BBC news estimates that 165,000 people are suffering from anorexia and 10% of deaths are because of it. Children as young as three have been hospitalised with anorexia. Short term and long term effects of anorexia The short term effects of anorexia include; malnutrition, weight loss, hair loss, dry skin, organ malfunction, dizziness, dehydration, easily blacking out, weakness, mental problems, low heart rate, depression, low heart rate and low body temperature. The long term effects of anorexia are malnutrition, irregular heart beats, organ failure, depression and even suicide. So what are we trying to do about it? Scientists in the UK are examining the DNA in people with anorexia in the hope that they will understand why some people get the disorder and others do not. They believe there is a link between genetics and eating disorders, and they think they can try to predict who could be at risk. Researchers are trying to determine the impact of the brain, hormones, genetics and appetite control biology on people with anorexia. Researchers believe that the Alzheimers drug may be used to prevent people from binge eating. Memantine, which is found in the drug, is also what the area in the brain which causes people to binge eat facilitates. According to Science daily, researchers used an experimental model to simulate binge eating behaviour, and they were able to â€Å"identify the area of the brain associated with binge eating and then suppress the area by applying memantine directly to that area. There are some problems with this idea, however. If they think that taking memantine will reduce the risk of binge eating or anorexia, a person would have to eat before taking it, which is not what people with anorexia would wish to do. Scientists have looked at the environment, genetics, personalities and biochemistry in people with anorexia, but the more that is learned, the more complex it appears. To understand people with eating disorders, scientists are looking at the neuroendocrine system, which is a combination of the hormonal system and the central nervous system. This system regulates multiple functions of the mind and body. Many of these mechanisms are disturbed in people with anorexia. Scientists have been able to show that excess levels of cortisol in anorexia are caused by a problem in or near the hypothalamus. The ANITT (Anorexia Nervosa Intensive Treatment Team) service is a step below specialist inpatient care and a step above outpatient therapy. It is for people who may not need or benefit from inpatient care. This programme includes group and individual therapy, dietetic and psychiatric therapy. The diagram above shows the criteria for ANITT and and the care plan and treatment services offered. I think the ANITT programme is a good idea and will help teenagers overcome their problem because it works with the person, not against them, and the diagram shows them exactly hat to expect, so they know what is coming, and it also gives them another option besides becoming a patient in the hospital, which may scare the teenager and force them not to cooperate. At least, which this service, they get a choice. They will hopefully work with the dietitian and become a stable weight. This will take time but when they are at a â€Å"safe weight†, it will gain trust between patient and dietitian. Then the patient will go to therapy for eighteen months, twice a week. After the eighteen months are over, the patient will go to reduced-intensity therapy for six months, but it will not be as extreme. After these two years are over, the patient will either be discharged, continue with another six to twelve months of therapy, or proceed to support treatment services. The patient will only be discharged if they want to or if they have achieved a full and good recovery. If the patient goes to support treatment services, they will be focusing on improving the quality of the patients life, physical and psychological risk management and gaining a good relationship with the team. This treatment is more flexible and varied than the others, which I think may appeal to patients. They also work with the patients to make realistic goals, and helping them overcome barriers, rather than working against the patients. The patients who used this programme said that the staff were supportive, and the care they received was brilliant. I think this programme is extremely effective because teenagers are not taken away from their families, which is brilliant because I think this is the time in a persons life that they need family the most, so taking them away will not improve the problem or benefit the child at all. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) (1), almost 50% of people with anorexia meet the criteria for depression. Only 1 in 10 people with anorexia receive treatment, (2), and up to 24 million people in the USA suffer from an eating disorder, (3). According the the National Spectrum of Eating Disturbances, about 91% of surveyed women on a college campus have admitted to controlling their weight through dieting, (4). It says 95% of people with eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25, (5), which shows that it mostly occurs in teenagers, because of stress and eagerness to â€Å"fit in†. According to The National Institute of mental Health, women are much more likely to develop an eating disorder than men, and only an estimated 5-15% of those who have an eating disorder are men, (6). According to The Renfew Centre foundation for eating disorders, the body image portrayed on television is something only 5% of people posse ss naturally, (7). I think all girls need to know this because they are extreme dieting to be like someone who is portrayed falsely. If they knew their idols real weight, rather than what they are seeing on television, I think there would be a lot less teenagers with anorexia, because according to Prevention of Eating Problems with Elementary Children, 47% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported wanting to loose weight because of magazine pictures, (8), and according to IBID, 69% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported that magazine images influences their idea of a perfect body image, (9). This is why I think it is so important that the media should stop falsely portraying these actors and actresses and models, and let girls see what they are really like. References Characteristics and Treatment of Patients with Chronic Eating Disorders, by Dr. Greta Noordenbox, International Journal of Eating Disorders, Volume 10: 15-29 The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders, â€Å"Eating Disorders 101 Guide: A Summary of Issues, Statistics and Resources,† 2003 Shisslak, C.M., Crago, M., Estes, L.S. (1995). The Spectrum of Eating Disturbances. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 18 (3): 209-219 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), The Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), offices of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.7 The National Institute of Mental Health: â€Å"Eating Disorders: Facts About Eating Disorders and the Search for Solutions.† Pub No. 01-4901. Accessed Feb. 2002. The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders, â€Å"Eating Disorders 101 Guide: A Summary of Issues, Statistics and Resources,† 2003 Prevention of Eating Problems with Elementary Children, Michael Levine, USA Today, July 1998 Ibid

polygamy in islam :: essays research papers

1. Definition of Polygamy Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. Polygamy can be of two types. One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man. In Islam, limited polygyny is permitted; whereas polyandry is completely prohibited. Now coming to the original question, why is a man allowed to have more than one wife? 2. The Qur'an is the only religious scripture in the world that says,"marry only one". The Qur'an is the only religious book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase `marry only one'. There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only one wife. In none of the other religious scriptures, whether it be the Vedas, the Ramayan, the Mahabharat, the Geeta, the Talmud or the Bible does one find a restriction on the number of wives. According to these scriptures one can marry as many as one wishes. It was only later, that the Hindu priests and the Christian Church restricted the number of wives to one. Many Hindu religious personalities, according to their scriptures, had multiple wives. King Dashrat, the father of Rama, had more than one wife. Krishna had several wives. In earlier times, Christian men were permitted as many wives as they wished, since the Bible puts no restriction on the number of wives. It was only a few centuries ago that the Church restricted the number of wives to one. Polygyny is permitted in Judaism. According to Talmudic law, Abraham had three wives, and Solomon had hundreds of wives. The practice of polygyny continued till Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah (960 C.E to 1030 C.E) issued an edict against it. The Jewish Sephardic communities living in Muslim countries continued the practice till as late as 1950, until an Act of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel extended the ban on marrying more than one wife. 3. Hindus are more polygynous than Muslims The report of the `Committee of The Status of Woman in Islam', published in 1975 mentions on page numbers 66 and 67 that the percentage of polygamous marriages between the years 1951 and 1961 was 5.06% among the Hindus and only 4.31% among the Muslims. According to Indian law only Muslim men are permitted to have more than one wife. It is illegal for any non-Muslim in India to have more than one wife.

Friday, July 19, 2019

deviance Essay -- essays research papers

The difference between a deviant act and a deviant career is different in many ways. For one to start off by talking about a deviant career. A deviant career has phases that the people involved in it go through. The fist of those phases is entering the deviant career the second is being deviant and the third is exiting the deviant career. People involved in a deviant career also goes through "career cycles- entree, upward mobility, peaks, aging, burn out, and getting out". Also "Patterns for deviant careers are more flexible and varied". As for deviant acts there are different types of deviant acts. These acts consist of individual deviant acts, cooperative acts, and then there is a conflict that may occur. The entering a deviant career consist of a person becoming more acquainted with a deviant act usually changes the company that they keep. Changing the company could be any thing from making new friends or hanging out at different places. People often either shift into a deviant career by them selves or with other people. The type of deviant act is different from that of a career. The first type is called individual act. Individual acts are usually done by ones self with out the help of other people. One person usually does the act itself. Individual acts can also be self induced, thing like a person" taking their own life alcoholism" and a person with a compulsive gambling disorder...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Add MediaVisualText

IMPORTANCE OF PARTNERSHIP When parents and practitioners work together it has a positive impact on children’s development and learning. This can be achieved through communication, learning together (e. g. actively involving fathers) and respecting diversity. Be sure to send a text to parent(s) during the day should their child say/do something cute or just to let them know that you’re both having fun together.You could even send them a picture of the delicious pizza their child just created, for example. Parents then feel included and have peace of mind knowing that their child is happy and healthy. First impressions last and so carers, making you and your home warm and welcoming will immediately put parents at ease. Likewise, parents should also be neat and presentable when meeting a prospective childcarer. A two-way flow of information and knowledge between parents and carers ensure effective communication.Having posters and pictures on display which reiterate the car er’s positive attitude towards social and cultural diversity as state in their Equal Opportunities policy will not only give parents a feel for the environment that their children will be in, but also help children and families to recognise that they are valued. Routines are very important for children as they like to know when certain things are going to happen i. e. mealtimes, sleep time, drop-off and collection etc. – they’re key to establishing a sense of stability and care for children and allowing them to master their environment.Wherever possible, all routines should fit in with parents’ wishes (i. e. attitudes re TV, food and sleeping) and should meet the child’s needs. i. e. incorporating child’s interests in nature by collecting leaves/flowers/sticks/stones on walks and perhaps creating a piece of art with them. Make sure routines are based on each individual child and their specific interests/needs. All children develop different stages at different time, but the general sequence of milestones is the same. This means you’ll need to constantly adapt some routines to accommodate the changing needs of children as they develop.For example, as boys get older they really need a lot more physical activity to burn off the energy they have and so more ball games or longer outdoor activities may be required. Upon arrival in the mornings greet each child individually with a warm voice and smile. Mention or comment on something specific that they’re wearing or carrying. Throughout the day listen to them and don’t rush daily tasks. This will make them feel important and cared for. Sources: Riddall-Leech, S, Home-based Childcare pg 131, Essex, Heinemann EYFS 2008 2. 2 Parents as Partners, Communication

World Literature: Touch in Pedro Paramo and Dom Casmurro

In novels as sensual as Pedro Paramo and Dom Casmurro, it is non impress that the authors employ a variety of literary techniques and imagery. Amongst them, not as prominent as the sense of hearing but lock up salient, is the sense of accomplish. I will demonstrate how narrators in Dom Casmurro and Pedro Paramo use the sense of touch to reveal their inner motivations and feelings much or less a situation or character. Touch tooshie symbolize relationships. When two characters touch shoulder joints in Pedro Paramo, for example, this seems to rise siblinghood.Juan and Abundio walk side by side, so close their shoulders argon more or less(prenominal) jot (5). Juan and Abundio turn out to be half(prenominal) br opposites. They sh are a father and are nearly br early(a)wises, s understructuretily as their shoulders nearly touch, but their several(predicate) m otherwises create two a genetic and physical gap between them. Later in the story, Doniss sister goes to stand be side him, leaning against his shoulder (53). Their shoulders do not merely touch, which would actualize that they are siblings she leans against Donis, suggesting their relationship extends beyond a familial one.Although this has already been strongly implied, Doniss sister leans against Donis before asking Juan whether he truly understands the relationship between her and Donis. Rulfo has already revealed that they are incestuous, but the action twin with her question shows that incomplete the reader nor Juan realizes to the full the nature of this relationship. Like Rulfo, Machado de Assis uses one elbow room of signature, in his case, workforce brushing against Capitus arms, in different situations. This results in different repercussions. Capitus shapely arms begin aid whe neer she and Bento attend b whollys.However, during the setoff dark they are merely admired and when other men touch her it seems incidental, innocuous only much they might touch other frock coats (183). Bento mentions this touch fleetingly. His focus is on Capitus arms, not male attention. On the moment night, the men are crasser, liberation from admiring to staring, almost begging for them, and brushed their filthy sleeves against them (183). Bento lingers more on the males touching and less on Capitus arms, give care he is more concerned about the attention his wife is garnering than the object of the attention.The details he notes similarly speak of his uneasiness. Whitheras during the first night, the men wear gentle humanityly frock coats, the second night they are dressed in black, which butt symbolize evilness. As a matter of fact, detail is used in both Dom Casmurro and Pedro Paramo by the narrators to reveal their feelings about other characters. When either narrator describes the touching at length, or notices horizontal the smallest aspects of it, he shows how grievous this touch is to him. As unseasoned Pedro Paramo and Susana San Juan fly kites together , Pedro urges, Help me, Susana. And light r from each one would tighten on his (12).The fact that Pedro notes Susanas men are soft suggests that he harbours a liking for her, for to notice her soft hands, he would need to pay more attention to her hands than the string he is letting out or the kite he is f hypocrisy. This action is in any case fact mood of their relationship. Susana is Pedros lifelong love, and though she enjoys his connection and likes him, it is only as a friend. Thus, piece of music she is simply happy to fly kites with him and tightens her hands or so his only to help him let out more string, Pedro takes note of how she acts around him and treasures her harmless actions.They appear much more meaningful to him than to her. Machado de Assis uses details in precise similar circumstances. As Bento combs Capitus hair, his fingers brush her neck, or her back with its cotton dress it is a delicious sensation (64). He does not simply concentrate on the prolet ariat at hand, he takes pleasure in accidental touches, no matter how minor, just like Pedro. While this earth-closet show the reader his sexual inexperience, as he has not seemed to have had a wild-eyed en reciteer preliminaryly and olibanum enjoys a seemingly chaste activity, it overly shows his eye for Capitu.If Bento was combing the hair of another girl, he may not notice such(prenominal) minor details. The contact may also not feel as delicious. He also touches Capitu although it is not necessary to do so. Even if this is accidental, he does not ready a move to shy forward from it, suggesting that he wants to touch Capitu and likes her in a more-than-platonic fashion. The fact that he brushes her hair is also signifi keept. Hair is considered a symbol of femininity, peculiarly long hair. Combing her hair could send Bento in a position of power.In fact, in the chapter after he combs her hair, Bento utters these proud speech communication I am a man (67). Hair is imp ortant when looking at their history, as well. When Bento thinks about his and Capitus past, he remembers how she ran her hand with his hair, saying she perspective it was very beautiful (24). However, he never reciprocated. By touching him so, and through other gestures such as counting his fingers, Capitu demonstrates her affection for him and shows that she is aware of her fondness.Bento remains oblivious, though, as shown by his lack of response. after he realizes that he too feels warmly about Capitu, he asks to brush her hair, proving both to himself and Capitu that he is at last aware of his feelings. In Dom Casmurro, touch can reveal character traits. Ezequiel is shown to be a warm and affectionate boy Ezequiel hugged Bentos knees, stood up on the tips of his toes, as if to climb up and give Bento his usual kiss (229). He is comfortable with touching his father, and does so on a regular basis to illustrate his love.This can be contrasted with Jose Dias who, even when ever yone else is hugging and kissing Bento word of farewell, remains tranquil and grave (98) and does not touch Bento at all. Jose Dias is not cold, but occasionally his regard as and charm seem debatably genuine. Moments such as when he does not hug Bento farewell add on to this idea. In Pedro Paramo, Juan Preciado does not touch the residents of Comala when he arrives. He cannot they are ghosts while he is still alive. Doniss sister touching his shoulder is the first time touch occurs in Juans Comala. She is also the first living somebody he encounters.Although there is some variableness over whether Juan actually died when his soul sour to ice (59), the fact that Dorotea is departed and lying in his arms, touching him, suggests that if he can touch the dead, then he is dead also. Moments of change are expressed through touch as well. After Bento sees that Capitu work Bento and Capitolina into the wall, their hands took hold of each other, clasping each other, melting into one another (28). Whereas previously mutual touching was done in childish jest, and Bento was oblivious to Capitus haul to him, now they touch each other with the ntention of holding hands like lovers. thaw into one another (28) can also show how they are thinking as one they both feel the comparable way toward each other. When Donis leaves, Juan wakes up beside Doniss sister. The majority of the tactile imagery thus far has been brief and subtle, but here Juan can feel the womans naked legs against his knee, and her breath upon his face (55). After being unable to touch the ghosts, Juan is all of a sudden pressed against a woman, a gesture that stands out from previous paragraphs due to its straight-forwardness.For Juan, it appears that the physical contact is like having to take care of the woman neither pleasant nor unpleasant, simply thrust-upon and unexpected. Unlike in Dom Casmurro, even feelings about environment can be revealed through touch in Pedro Paramo. As Juan approach es Comala, he observes that he and Abundio have leftover the hot wind behind and are sinking feeling into pure, airless heat. The stillness seems to be wait for something (5). While this airless heat adds on to the atmosphere, it also shows Juans state of mind.The purlieu in this scene mirror Juans mood, showing that he is waiting for something too. He may not expect to become his father, but he is coming with Comala with expectations, and the snuggled he gets to the town, the closer he is to purpose out the truth. The sense of touch is an important tool in both Pedro Paramo and Dom Casmurro. It can reveal aspects of character personality, relationships and inner thoughts and motivations. This symbolism, mate with the other literary techniques Machado de Assis and Rulfo employ, helps create the intense alternate reality of the novels. Word count 1470 words

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 62~64

62Like Clockwork SpiesMalink prove the old anthropophagite in a sm either over call patroniseing in the jungle, urinating on a young banana tree. I brought you food. Malink dropped the basket and sit tear under a tree. Sarapul seemed to be taking a long clipping at his task.Some cadences its hard, Malink said.Some terms I shadowt go at all, Sarapul said. It hurts. He shuddered and turn nearly with a grin, smoothing muckle his thu. But non today. He sit down down next to Malink and reached into the basket for a puffiness of weight.I compreh remove the music live on night, Sarapul said. The ovalbumin bitch comes much of 10 now. He reachered Malink a military man of fish and the chief took it.There ar triad chosen in only ten days. I moot they wont come moreovertocks ab revealtimes. Vincent says that she is non the Sky Priestess. The pilot said she go away pop bring prohibited us.Then we essential fight.Knives against artillery units? You remember the w ar.I remember. Come. He got up and led Malink through the underbrush to a hollow log. He reached in and pulled step to the fore a long bundle wrapped in oil sharkskin. A man must fetch the long suit of his enemies. If he cannot eat him and take his strength, he must take his weapon.Sarapul unwrapped the bundle to reveal a World War II vintage Nipp single(a) and only(a)se bolt-action function. He had obviously been visiting this spot because the rifle was covered with a thin coat of fish oil and gleamed akin new. I disregard murder his head and took his gun.Malink remembered the wrath of the Japanese on his pot afterwardward the solider disappe ard. You did that? You were the one?It was a long time ago, Sarapul said. He reached into the bundle again and pulled out three shining cartridges. But I saved these.They gather in machine guns, Malink said.She doesnt.The call came a little after midnight. inclose had slept since he got to the hotel, stuffing toilet melodic them e in his ears to block out the noise of the telecasting set and Sepie talking back to it. harbor a jade to general aviation at the airport, Jake said. The airdock you motive says Island Adventures on the view. Ill be waiting. assemble clim jazz out of bed and move impinge on the television.Hey, Sepie said. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor almost a foot from the screen. meet crouched and took her face in his hands. Tomorrow at six you take the tickets and go downstairs. Tell the man at the desk you indispensability to go to the airport. The bus result take you.I know this, she said. unspoilt listen. A overblown man with long hair go away be there.Right. Jake, Sepie said. I know this.If hes not there, go to one of the men in the blue hats and tell him you pauperism help desexting on your skitter. Hell help you. When you beguile to Houston, go into the airport and call this subject. Tell the charr who answers that I told you to call. Shell help you.And you w ill come and reward me soon, right?Ill endeavour.What about Roberto?They hadnt seen the fruit bat since the mascara bombing. Roberto will be fine. Hell live here, but I retain to go. He kissed her on the forehead and before he could pull away she wrapped her arms round his neck and kissed him on the lips so hard he thought he might permit cut his lip.You come recover me.I will.He stood and went out the door. A few guerillas later he heard Sepie call to him from down the hall. Hey gain turned.How come you dont try to sex me?I will.Okay, she said, and she went back into the dwell.Jake was waiting for him at the Island Adventures hangar. A Hughes 500 c digressr with its doors removed sat on a pad by the hangar. I rented it for an hour. I fuck it up and we owe bloody shame Jean five grand for the deposit. assemble looked at the meat cleaver sitting on the pad wish well a huge black dragonfly and he began to go about a very bad feeling. You dont exigency me to do what I thin k you pauperization me to do, do you?Ill post the skid right over the cover. You average step out of one aircraft onto another. no(prenominal)problem. It cant be half as bad as what I had to do to get the hatch leftover open. collect began to protest, but Jake was al position walking to the helicopter. put in climbed into the helicopter and slipped on the headset. Jake threw the switches and the turbine began to whine. In a few seconds the blades slowly began to rotate. stick in keyed the intercom microphone on his headset so Jake could hear him over the blades. Youll never get past the tower.Ive done it before, Jake said. I had to repo a cat valium Ranger for a guy once.Theyll never clear you.Theres no traffic. Besides, you think theyre going to clear you? Its headman Midnights rock n roll express from here on out, broad guy.Jake pulled the collective lever by the side of his seat and the helicopter lifted into the air. Within seconds, Tuck heard the tower jabbering over the radio, type the Hughes 500 to wait for clearance. Jake brought the helicopter up on the button full(prenominal) affluent to clear the top of the hangar and flew in a low wide lot some the airport, then began his own of Hawaii Tower, this is cleaver One, approaching from the west on Runway Two. I deal a problem with my tail rotor. Requesting requisite landing.The tower came back Helicopter One, didnt you provided take shoot without clearance?Negative, Tower. Im in from Maui. Request jot clearance.Of prevail, Tuck thought. Jake flew the circle below the radar and without the streamlet lights. They make water no stem whether this is the same helicopter that just took off.Jake sent the helicopter into a plain turn of eveningts that moved it enveloping(prenominal) to the plains by the hangars with all rotation, just as it moved Tuck closer to throwing up. Jake stopped the careen for a second and nodded toward a joined 747. Thats your baby. Get out of your harness and get ready. They wont know youre there. Get inside and wait twain hours before you sorb your taxi. I dont fate them to touch base the helicopter with the cat valium-black. By the way, howre you going to get your natives on board?Theyve got ladders, Tuck said. I go for. Tuck hung his headset basis the seat and unsnapped his harness just as Jake resumed his spin. Tuck grabbed on to the seat to keep from being throw out the open door. What looked like an out-of-control aircraft was, in fact, a pretty elementary move called a roll turn. Tuck found no comfort in that knowl acuity as he watched the tarmac spin below.Jake pulled the helicopter up just in time to miss the tail of the 747, then leveled it off and crept preceding along the length of the huge aircraft. The tail would drear the view from the tower. You ready? he yelled.Tuck shake his head violently. He could see the line of the hatch he was supposed to go through. He stepped out on the skid. Jake brought the helicopter down and the skid fey the top of the natural spring. NowTuck stepped off onto the plane and ducked instinctively below the blades. He looked back at Jake, shrugged, and shouted, That was easy.I told you, Jake shouted. He pulled the helicopter into the sky and started his spin toward the Island Adventures pad.Tuck got on his knees, dug his fingers into the seal around the hatch, and pulled it open. He jumped into the dark plane, sealed the hatch cigaret him, then sat in the pilots seat and began to say the controls. He clicked on the nav com projecter and punched in the longitude and parallel for Alualu, which he knew by heart, then pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and put in the coordinates for his second destination. He put on a headset and turned on the radios. The frequency was already set for the Honolulu tower. Jake was receiving the official FAA ass-chewing of the century, but there wasnt a boy about anyone dropping to the top of a linked j et. He had just taken off the headset to precipitate down for the wait when he heard a scratching goodly outside the escape hatch. He opened it and Roberto plopped inside.63No FrillsThe Sky Priestess was drunk. She and the sensation had made two million dollars in the last ten days and she couldnt even buy a pair of shoes. The new pilot, Nomura, was a heavily tattooed, silent prick who spoke marginal English and looked at her like hed rape her in a second, not for the pleasure of the violence, but to put her in her place. Since his arrival, even the ninjas had started to get cocky, joking in Japanese and express emotion raucously when her back was turned. Even the Shark wad seemed to be losing their fear of her. The last time she had appeared to them the children were left in the village. So the Sky Priestess was watching television in a torn T-shirt and some sweatpants and she was drunk.The intercom beeped and she let it. If it hadnt run on batteries, she would have unplugged it. Instead, she threw it through the french doors, where it beeped the beach for two more transactions, then stopped. The next time she saw it Sebastian was standing(a)(a) in the door holding it like a prosecutor exhibiting a murder weapon to the jury.I suppose you think this is funny.Not particularly. Now if it had induce you in the head, that would be funny.We have an order, Beth. A Kidney.Oh, good. Im in great shape to assist a surgery. Lets do both kidneys. Give the buyer a bonus. What do you say? She sloshed her tumbler of vodka.Sebastian picked up the renounce Absolut bottle from the end table. This isnt going to work, Beth. You cant appear as the Sky Priestess like that. He seemed more claustrophobic than angry.You are absolutely correct, Bastian. The goddess has taken the night off.Sebastian paced back and forth in front of her, rubbing his chin. We could stall. We could put you on some oxygen and amphetamines and you could be ready in an hour.She laughed. And ruin th is buzz? I dont think so. Tell them to find another source for this one.He shook his head. I dont think I can do that. Nomuras been on the phone with them. He told them we could quit in six hours.She hissed. Nomuras a piece of tail grunt. He does what we say. This is our operation.Im not so sure, Beth. I really dont want to tell him no. Please take a shower and make some coffee. Ill be back in a minute with an oxygen cylinder.No, Bastian, she whined. I dont want to spend six hours in a plane with that asshole.You wont have to, Beth. Theyve requested that we send him completely this time.She sat up. Alone? Whos going to watch him? utterly she felt very sober.No one call for to watch him, Beth. He works for them, remember? You were right. We shouldnt have gotten a pilot from them.An hour and forty minutes after he dropped through the hatch, Tuck started the execution to power up the 747. Hed never actually flown anything this big or anything nearly this big but he had done tw enty hours in a simulator in Dallas and only crashed twice. every(prenominal) planes fly the same, he told himself and he started the first off engine. Once it had spooled up, he had the power to start the other three. He put on the headset and looked out the side window to make sure he had room to turn the plane and taxi it to the runway. As soon as it started moving, the tower began to chatter, trying first to get him to identify himself, then to stop. Roberto, who was hanging from the straps on the flight officers seat beside Tuck, barked twice and let clean a high-pitched squeal.Youre cookin with gas, buddy, came over the radio. Jake was close enough to see the big jet.Where are you, Jake?Out of the way, buddy, but thanks for using my name on the radio. Just thought you ought to know that youre going to sine qua non li degree Celsius feet of runway to get that thing off the ground at your destination and thats with full flaps, so save your fuel now. Youd better tell them w hat youre doing unless youve got contact insurance on that thing.Tuck keyed the mike button on the steering yoke. Honolulu Tower, this is linked Flight One requesting immediate clearance for jot takeoff on Runway Two.Theres no much(prenominal) thing as an emergency takeoff, the controller said. Tuck could tell he was close to losing it.Well, Tower, Im taking off on Two, and if youve got anything headed that way, Id say youve got an emergency on your hands, wouldnt you?The tower guy was almost screaming now. Negative on the clearance formance denied, United jet. Return to the terminal. We have no flight plan for a United Flight One.Tower, United Flight One requesting you chilliness and be a professional about this. Clear to ten gigabyte. I am starting my takeoff.Negative, negative. separate yourselfThis is Captain Roberto T. Fruitbat signing off, Honolulu Tower. Tuck clicked off the radio, pushed the throttles up, and watched the jet exhaust pressure gauges. When they got to 80 per centum of maximum thrust, he re-leased the ground brake system and one hundred and seventy thousand pounds of aircraft rolled down the runway and swept into the sky.At ten thousand feet he began his turn toward Alualu.The fighters joined him a hundred miles north of Guam. Evidently, they had found out that United did not employ a Captain Fruitbat. One of the F-18 fighters came in close and Tuck waved to him. The pilot signaled for Tuck to put on his headset. Why not?Tuck delusive they would be broadcasting crosswise a number of frequencies. Yo, good morning, gents, Tuck said.United 747, change your course and land at Guam Airport or we will force you down.Tuck looked out the window at the sidewinder air to air missiles hanging menacingly under the wings of the fighter. And how, exactly, do you propose to do that, gentlemen?Repeat, change your course and land in Guam right away or we will force you down.That would be fine, Tuck said. Go ahead, force me and my hundred and fi fteen passengers down. Tuck let off the mike button and turned to Roberto. Okay, you go in the back and pretend to be a hundred and fifteen people.As Tuck had calculated, the fighters backed off while they waited for instructions. They were not about to shoot down an American passenger jet without very specific orders, whether it was stolen or not. He believed his biggest prefer was that the FAA and United would insist that no one could separate a 747. That sort of thing just didnt happen. minute of them to give him an escort, though. He punched some buttons and the nav computer told him he was only half an hour from Alualu. He started his consanguinity.He checked the position of the fighters and hit the mike button. This is the flying saucer calling the F-18s.Go ahead, United.Are you guys both comprehend?Go ahead.Tuck affected a singalong teasing tone Neener, neener, neener, you cant get me. Then he locked the microphone in the on position and began interpret an off-key versi on of Fly Me to the Moon.Malink, I hope you built those ladders, he thought.Malink had been awakened early by the Sorcerers jet taking off and he was on his way to the beach for his morning bowel bowel driving when Vincent appeared to him.Morning, squirt, the flyer said.Malink stopped on the path and fought to apprehensiveness his breath. Vincent. I build the ladders.You did good, kid. Now get everyone together and I mean everyone and tell them to go to the airstrip. Take the ladders. Im sending a plane for you.Malink shook his head. You send cargo?Vincent laughed. No, kid, Im taking the Shark People to the cargo. Youll need the ladders to get on the plane. Dont be afraid. Just get everyone.The Sky Priestess has three who have been chosen. One has just come back to the village.Vincent looked at his feet. Im sorry, kid. Youll have to leave them. Go now. You dont have very long. Ill see you again. And he disappeared.64DeliveranceBeth and Sebastian Curtis were cleaning the operat ing room and sterilizinginstruments when they first heard the jet.That sounds low, Sebastian said casually.Then the fighters, hurry ahead of the 747, passed over the island.What in the hell was that? Beth said. She dropped a pan of instruments and headed for the door.Probably just military exercises, Beth, Sebastian called after her. Its nothing to be concerned about. He was felicitous to have help cleaning up and didnt want to lose it. Usually, at this point, she was on the plane design for Japan.Bastian, come here she called. Somethings upSebastian shoved the last of the running(a) draperies into a canvas bag and hurried outside. The sound of jet engines seemed to be everywhere.Outside he found Beth staring at some coconut palms. The guards were standing outside their quarters, looking in the same direction. Look. Beth pointed to the north.What? I dont see Then he saw movement croupe the palms and a 747 sexual climax toward the island at merely too low an angle.Its landing, Beth said.Sebastians gaze was caught by more movement in his peripheral vision. He looked across the runway. The Shark People were coming out of the jungle. alone of the Shark People.From the 747 the airstrip looked smaller than he had remembered. To observe runway Tuck wanted to touch down as close to the near end as possible. He pulled full flaps and checked his descent rate. The Shark People were moving toward the plane in a wave. Some of the men carried long ladders.As all sixteen tires hit the runway, Tuck slammed the levers that turn the engines and they screamed in protest. Immediately, he hit the ground brakes and watched the brake temperature gauge zoom into the red as the jet screamed toward the ocean at the far end of the runway at a hundred and cubic decimetre miles per hour.Did you see the ladders? Roberto said, but this time it was Vincents voice coming from the bat. Ya fuckin mook, I told you they were makin ladders.You must come, Malink said. He crouched at the acuity of the jungle where the old cannibal was hiding. Vincent said all of our people must go.Sarapul watched as the huge jet slowly turned at the end of the runway. No. I am too old. This is my home. They dont want me where you are going.We dont know where we are going.Your people didnt want me here. Would they want me in this new place? I will stay.Malink looked to the runway. I have to go now.Sarapul waved him off with a bony hand. Go. You go. He turned and walked into the jungle.Malink ran into the open and began shouting orders to the men with the ladders. The Shark People poured onto the runway and surround the jet like termites serving their swollen queen.Beth Curtis saw the first of the doors on the 747 open and immediately recognize Tuck. A tall ladder was impel against the plane and the Shark People started climbing.Hes taking them away she screamed.Sebastian Curtis stood stupefied.Beth shouted to the guards, Stop them, you idiotsThe guards had been spellbound by the landing of the jet as well, but her harpylike scream brought them to action. They were in and out of their quarters in seconds, running toward the airstrip with their Uzis. Beth Curtis ran behind them, screeching like a tortured siren.All six doors of the 747 were open now, and the Shark People were cyclosis up the ladders, mothers carrying children, the strongest men helping the old.The other guards piled up behind Mato while he unlocked the gate. He fumbled with the key, then finally sent it home and pulled the grasp from around the bars.Beth Curtis hit the chain-link and curled her fingers though it like claws as she watched her fortune piling into the plane. assume she screamed. Shoot that son of a bitchThe guards had no idea who she meant, but they understood the command to shoot. The first one through the gate pulled up and pointed his Uzi at the conference of natives waiting to get up the ladder. There was a fat one who seemed to be giving orders. He aimed for the center of his back.A bullet took the guard high in the chest, knocking him back off his feet. His Uzi clattered on the runway. The other guards pulled up, looking for the source of the shot..Kill them all, you fucking cowards Beth Curtis yelled. ShootThe guards crouched to make themselves into smaller targets as they scanned the edge of the jungle for movement.There was a roar and the guards looked up to see two fighter jets coming in low over the runway. Their decision was made. They ran for the cover of the entangled as Beth Curtis screamed at their backs.She ran out to the dead guard, picked up his Uzi, and pointed it at the747. A gunshot came from the jungle and a bullet ricocheted off the concrete next to her. She turned the Uzi toward the trees and pulled the trigger. It roared for three seconds, the recoil pulling her sideways as the bullets chopped a pattern in the plant life like a remotecontrol Cuisinart. She brought the gun back around on the plane and pulled the trigger, but the clip was empty.She threw the gun to the ground and stood shaking as the last of the ladders was thrown away from the plane and the doors were pulled shut.